Category TELT
Interactive video revisited
Watching an instructional video (even if it is a short one) is quite passive. This might not lead to the best possible learning result for a student. But there’s is solution for more actively engaging students with a video. This…
Blockchain in Education
Earlier this month (5 sept 2017) I paid a visit to the conference “Blockchain in Education”. This was held in Groningen. These are my observations from this interesting event. Packed programme The morning session was packed with (short) plenary presentations.…
Free online course on Philosophy of Technology
Bett show 2017
Last month the Bett show (the British Educational Training and Technology Show) was held in London (UK). I joined a studytrip from SURF. We were with a group of around 25 collegueas from across the country. There were colleagues from SURF,…
TELT Team 2016
Four weeks
Calibrated Peer Review
Through a pointer from my colleague Frank van den Berg I would like to share with our readers what is called Calibrated Peer Feedback: ” Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) is a web-based, instructional tool that enables frequent writing assignments in…
Learn while flying!
Bericht in Technisch Weekblad
Vorige week is er een Arbeidsmarktspecial van het Technisch Weekblad verschenen. Hierin staat ook een artikel over MOOC’s. Ik ben ten behoeve van dit artikel telefonisch geïnterviewd, en enkele quotes van mij zijn opgenomen in het artikel MOOCs: hoger onderwijs…