Through a pointer from my colleague Frank van den Berg I would like to share with our readers what is called Calibrated Peer Feedback:

” Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) is a web-based, instructional tool that enables frequent writing assignments in any discipline, with any class size, even in large classes with limited instructional resources. In fact, CPR can reduce the time an instructor now spends reading and assessing student writing. ” (source)

The tool has been developed at the University of California, Los Angeles. It has something in common with CrowdGrader, if I am right (am I?). It is mainly suitable for text-based assignments. It is based on the assumption that students can and will provide adequate feedback on each other’s assignments. Thereby decreasing the time a lecturer spends on providing feedback and assinging grades to students. It also reminds me of some aspects of Virtual Action Learning.


  1. I have seen this tool before. Calibrated peer review is almost similar to crowdgrader.

    In the project ‘peer review’ at the University of Twente/Educational Service Centre we (Chris and I) have chosen for Crowdgrader. This tool is developed by Luca de Alfaro, a professor at Computer Sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz 🙂 A colleague from the faculty EEMCS, Marielle Stoelinga, told me about this tool. Crowdgrader is available for free and if we like to use Calibrated Peer Review we have to pay.

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